Abstract: In this paper a solution is propose to organize the space of words that exist in a specific language in
their different semantic categories. By taking a natural language, we're going to define a unique meaning for each
word, as a construction made (d,C) of pairs of words and contexts. On the other hand, let us consider the space
of meanings. All the words that share meaning (synonymous words) can be associated with one meaning. This
permitus to make a partition of the space of words in groups of synonyms. Finally, a classification of the space of
words will be obtained in the different groups of words that share meaning. This allow to choose the useful word
that represent a meaning, and reduce the number of words selecting one representative from each group of
synonyms. It will be very useful for calculating distances between words.
Keywords: Natural Language, Semantic, Context.
ACM Classification Keywords: C.2.1 Network Architecture and Design; D.2.1 Requirements Specifications
(D.3.1) Languages; D.3.2 Language Classifications Applicative (functional) languages; E.1 Data Structures
Graphs and networks; H.5.2 User Interfaces Natural language.
Alejandro De Santos, Pedro G. Guillén, Eduardo Villa, Francisco Serradilla.