Abstract: EcoLexicon? is a terminological knowledge base (TKB) on the environment where different types of
information converge in a multimodal interface: semantic networks, definitions, contexts and images. It seeks to
meet both cognitive and communicative needs of different users, such as translators, technical writers or even
environmental experts. According to Meyer et al. 1992, TKBs should reflect conceptual structures in a similar
way to how concepts relate in the human mind. From a neurological perspective, Barsalou 2009: 1283 states
that a concept produces a wide variety of situated conceptualizations in specific contexts, which clearly
determines the type and number of concepts to be related to. The organization of semantic information in the
brain should thus underlie any theoretical assumption concerning the retrieval and acquisition of specialized
knowledge concepts as well as the design of specialized knowledge resources Faber, 2010. Furthermore, since
categorization itself is a dynamic context-dependent process, the representation and acquisition of specialized
knowledge should certainly focus on contextual variation. Context includes external factors (situational and
cultural) as well as internal cognitive factors, all of which can influence one another House, 2006: 342. This view
goes hand in hand with the perception of language as a kind of action, where the meaning of linguistic forms is
understood as a function of their use Reimerink et al., 2010. In this paper we briefly describe each module of our
resource and explain how EcoLexicon? has been contextualized according to conceptual and terminological
information. The conceptual contextualization of different entries in EcoLexicon? has been performed according to
role-based domains and contextual domains, whereas terminological contextualization is based on contextual
domains and use situations. In this way, context is two-fold, since we account for the referential context of
concepts in the real world and users’ own communicative and cognitive context.
Keywords: context, dynamism, reconceptualization, environmental knowledge, TKB.
ACM Classification Keywords: H.5.2 User interfaces – Natural language
Pilar León Araúz, Arianne Reimerink, Alejandro G. Aragón