Abstract: Neuromuscular disorders term refers to all diseases that affect nerves and muscles.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also called Lou Gehrig’s disease) is one of the most common
neuromuscular diseases worldwide. Individuals with ALS may suffer from voluntary muscles (legs and
arms muscles) weakness and difficulty in swallowing or breathing. Recently, mobile technology is used
in the health sector to improve the quality of and access to health care. Mobile health applications help
patients to monitor their treatments when it becomes difficult to obtain attention from health workers
EMGNeu is a mobile health application that aims to help ALS patients to discover their disease once it
occurs based on EMG signal. That is by focusing on new trends of integrating artificial intelligence
methodologies as support vector machines into mobile telemedicine solutions. EMGNeu doesn't only
help patients to track their neuromuscular conditions but it also helps their physician as well. Physicians
are able to track their patients by receiving alerts when the disease is discovered and sending
recommendations to the patients to help them monitoring their emergency case until they could obtain
medical help.
Keywords: mHealth, Neuromuscular disorders, EMG signal, SVM Classifier, Bioinformatics
ACM Classification Keywords: I.2 Artificial Intelligence; I.2.1 Applications and Expert Systems -
Medicine and science
Nahla F. Abdel-Maboud?, Bassant Mohamed ELBagoury,
Mohamed Roushdy, Abdel-Badeeh? M. Salem