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Article A COGNITIVE SCIENCE REASONING IN RECOGNITION OF EMOTIONS IN AUDIO-VISUAL SPEECH Abstract: In this report we summarize the state-of-the-art of speech emotion recognition from the signal processing point of view. On the bases of multi-corporal experiments with machine-learning cla 
Article A NEURAL NETWORKS APPLICATION IN DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM Abstract: This work presents the using of the chosen neural networks for the data classification. The Statistic Neural Networks has been used for the rating. The neural networks have been successfull 
Article A STUDY OF INTELLIGENT TECHNIQUES FOR PROTEIN SECONDARY STRUCTURE PREDICTION Abstract: Protein secondary structure prediction has been and will continue to be a rich research field. This is because the protein structure and shape directly affect protein behavior. Moreover, th 
Article ALGEBRA LOGIC APPROACH TO PERSON’S THINKING MECHANISMS FORMALIZATION Abstract: It is known, that person’s thinking is inaccessible to studying by direct physical and psychological methods. In this case it is necessary to have indirect ones. Computers do not understa 
Article AN AGENT–ORIENTED ELECTRONIC MARKETPLACE FOR MODELING AND SIMULATION OF ... Abstract: The main goal of the research that preliminary results have been presented in this paper is to develop an agent–oriented electronic marketplace for modeling and simulation of dynamic pri 
Article ANALOGICAL MAPPING USING SIMILARITY OF BINARY DISTRIBUTED REPRESENTATIONS Abstract: We develop an approach to analogical reasoning with hierarchically structured descriptions of episodes and situations based on a particular form of vector representations – structure-sensi 
Article APPLICATION OF FUZZY LOGIC ON IMAGE EDGE DETECTION Abstract: In this paper a novel method for an application of digital image processing, Edge Detection is developed. The contemporary Fuzzy logic, a key concept of artificial intelligence helps to imp 
Article AUTOMATED PROBLEM DOMAIN COGNITION PROCESS IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS DESIGN Abstract: An automated cognitive approach for the design of Information Systems is presented. It is supposed to be used at the very beginning of the design process, between the stages of requirements 
Article AUTOMATED RESPONSE TO QUERY SYSTEM Abstract: SMS (Short Message Service) is now a hugely popular and a very powerful business communication technology for mobile phones. In order to respond correctly to a free form factual question gi 
Article Bankruptcy risk forecasting under uncertainty with application of fuzzy Abstract: The problem of corporations’ bankruptcy risk forecasting under uncertainty is considered in this paper. The application of neo-fuzzy cascade neural networks is suggested. The experimental 
Article COGNITIVE BIAS IN KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING COURSE Abstract: The paper presents experience in teaching of knowledge and ontological engineering. The teaching framework is targeted on the development of cognitive skills that will allow facilitating th 
Article COMPUTATIONAL MODEL FOR SERENDIPITY Abstract: In recent years there have been various attempts and studies that are eager to serendipity in Computer Science. Authors such as Campos and Dias have tried to model the serendipity in order t 
Article DESIGN CONCEPT OF INTELLIGENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Abstract: In this paper a concept of designing and building intelligent decision support systems in production management is introduced. The new approach to the design of intelligent management syste 
Article DISTINCTIVE FEATURES OF MOBILE MESSAGES PROCESSING Abstract: World’s mobile market pushes past 2 billion lines in 2005. Success in these competitive markets requires operational excellence with product and service innovation to improve the mobile p 
Article EDUCATION COMPLEX "MULTI-AGENT TECHNOLOGIES FOR PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED ... Abstract: The paper describes education complex "Multi-agent Technologies for Parallel and Distributed Information Processing in Telecommunication Networks". Keywords: multi-agent technologies, pa 
Article EXPERIMENTAL SUPPORT OF ARGUMENT-BASED SYNTACTIC COMPUTATION Abstract: Linguistic theory, cognitive, information, and mathematical modeling are all useful while we attempt to achieve a better understanding of the Language Faculty (LF). This cross-disciplinary  
Article EXPERIMENTAL SUPPORT OF SYNTACTIC COMPUTATION BASED ON SEMANTIC ... Abstract: Linguistic theory, cognitive, information, and mathematical modeling are all useful while we attempt to achieve a better understanding of the Language Faculty (LF). This cross-disciplinary a 
Article EXPERT SYSTEM OF RATIONAL DECISION MAKING OF DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRIC IN ... Abstract: «Smart Grid» - is a large-scale direction in modern energy. This term is relatively recent: energy discontinues being just a facility of comfortable life; it becomes a facility of develop 
Article GENETIC ALGORITHM FOR FINDING THE KEY’S LENGTH AND CRYPTANALYSIS Abstract: In this article we discuss a possibility to use genetic algorithms in cryptanalysis. We developed and described the genetic algorithm for finding the secret key of a block permutation ciphe 
Article INTELLIGENT METHODS OF REVEALING FRAGMENTS IN BUSINESS PROCESSES Abstract: The Effective methods of intelligent analysis of business processes, in particular, methods of revealing fragments of such processes are developed. Besides, analyzing information extracted f 
Article INTELLIGENT SYSTEM FOR ASSEMBLY PROCESS PLANNING Abstract: The flexibility, customization and localization offered by computer integrated manufacturings are attractive but generate a new class of management problems. Intelligent support systems are 
Article MATRIX FEATURE VECTORS AND HU MOMENTS IN GESTURE RECOGNITION Abstract: This paper covers usage of matrix feature vectors and Hu moments in recognition of tactile sign language. The paper also provides comparative characteristic of both approaches and a variant 
Article MATRIX FEATURE VECTORS IN SPEECH AND GESTURE RECOGNITION Abstract: This paper draws parallels between speech recognition of one speaker on a limited set of words and recognition of tactile sign language. The paper also provides variant of formation of feat 
Article MOBILE ELECTION Abstract: Mobile phones have the potential of fostering political mobilisation. There is a significant political power in mobile technology. Like the Internet, mobile phones facilitate communication  
Article MOBILE SEARCH AND ADVERTISING Abstract: Mobile advertising is a rapidly growing sector providing brands and marketing agencies the opportunity to connect with consumers beyond traditional and digital media and instead communicate 

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