Abstract: Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) is a computer emergence model to solve problems by swarm
intelligence. The aim of this paper is to provide ant colonies with a global memory structure (GMS) so that the
time needed to resolve a problem decreases drastically. In the past few years ACO have become a strong
alternative to classic algorithms. However, the biggest disadvantage of ACO is the lack of structures which can
provide every individual of the population with simple memory mechanisms. The GMS presented in this paper is
applied to cleaner robots that must search a gallery looking for piles of marks and clean them. It is based on the
variation of the common map by deleting all the superfluous nodes which appears as the resolution of the
problem progresses. A node is considered as superfluous when it is useless for every ant and it delays every
route of the colony. All the robots must share and update the GMS when they find any superfluous node. The
extra process charge needed for executing the memory in parallel to ant’s activities is absorbed by the time saved
in the resolution of the problem which depends on the characteristics of the map and its abstracted graph.
Keywords: Ant Colony Optimization, Swarm Intelligence, Memory.
ACM Classification Keywords: I.6. Simulation and Modelling, B.7.1 Advanced Technologies, I.2.8 Problem
Solving, I.2.11 Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Ángel Goñi, Paula Cordero