Abstract: We further develop the self-centered model of mental representations for language with the
focus on the mechanisms underlying syntactic calculus and the construction of larger meaningful
constructs out of the basic syntactic units. We consider the inborn multimodal perception and the selfconcept
as an actor in an environment as the basis for concept formation and syntactic construction.
Based on relevant findings in language acquisition, we investigate the perceptual, semantic, and
syntactic aspects of mental apparatus. We see this apparatus as an overall system that can handle the
task of conceptualization and the task of syntactic construction using the same mechanisms. Based on
the argument-centered model of mental representations which involves such processing homogeneity,
we show the gradual development of the complexity of syntactic formants during language acquisition.
Keywords: language acquisition, syntax complexity, mental operations
ACM classification keywords: I.2.0: Artificial Intelligence, I.2.7: Natural Language Processing
Velina Slavova, Alona Soschen