Abstract: Algebra, describing software static models that are represented as the UML-diagrams of classes packages and components is presented in this paper. The major constituents of the algebra, which rests upon set-theory tools, are classes, components, packages, abstract classes and interfaces. The operations defined on these constituents are: inheritance, polymorphism, composition, aggregation and association. The algebra describing software static models allows: precise a description of design patterns structural constituents; design formats of files for saving software static models; provide a mathematical apparatus for formalized description of interconnections between class diagram elements; propose code generation tools while analyzing functional requirements to application and solve other tasks, requiring analysis of interconnections between constituents of class diagram.
An analysis of the problem domain – “designing dense layings of cutting schemas” is represented in this paper. Two subdomains, namely “designing dense layings for leather goods details” and “designing dense layings for shoe details” are considered. The purpose of this analysis is describing framework of the chosen problem domain in terms of software static model description algebra. Components of the “abstract factory” design pattern have been selected to create interconnections between the classes in the problem domain. A diagram of classes of the problem domain that is designed according to analytical description tis represented.
Keywords: class diagram; design pattern; set-theory tool; software modeling; abstract factory design pattern; dense laying designing.
ACM Classification Keywords: D.2.2 Design Tools and Techniques; D.2.11 Software Architectures
Elena Chebanyuk