Abstract: The purpose of the paper is to explore the possibility of applying the language PRALU, proposed for description of parallel logical control algorithms and rooted in the Petri net formalism for design and modeling real-time multi-agent systems. It is demonstrated with a known example of English auction on how to specify an agent interaction protocol using considered means. A methodology of programming agents in multi-agent system is proposed; it is based on the description of its protocol on the language PRALU of parallel algorithms of logic control. The methodology consists in splitting agent programs into two parts: the block of synchronization and the functional block.
Keywords: multi-agent system, interaction protocol, BDI agent, parallel control algorithm.
ACM Classification Keywords: I.2.11 Computer Applications; Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Multiagent systems; D.3.3 Programming Languages: Language Constructs and Features – Control structures, Concurrent programming structures
Dmitry Cheremisinov, Liudmila Cheremisinova