Abstract: Mobile phones have the potential of fostering political mobilisation. There is a significant political power
in mobile technology. Like the Internet, mobile phones facilitate communication and rapid access to information.
Compared to the Internet, however, mobile phone diffusion has reached a larger proportion of the population in
most countries, and thus the impact of this new medium is conceivably greater. There are now more mobile
phones in the UK than there are people (averaging at 121 mobile phones for every 100 people). In this paper, the
attempt to use modern mobile technology to handle the General Election, is discussed. The pre-election
advertising, election day issues, including the election news and results as they come in, and answering
questions via text message regarding the results of current and/or previous general elections are considered.
Keywords: mobile text messages, mobile election, mobile advertising, question-answering system
ACM Classification Keywords: I.2 Artificial intelligence: I.2.7 Natural Language Processing: Text analysis.
Elena Long, Vladimir Lovitskii, Michael Thrasher, David Traynor