Abstract: Modern technology has the facility to empower citizens by providing easy access to vital electoral
information. The majority of such users simply want to use the information; they do not wish to become embroiled
in technological details that provide that access; the technology is a means to an end and if allows to obscure the
real purpose (to access information) it represents a cost not a benefit. Much of the potential benefit is therefore
lost unless a simple and consistent interface can be provided which shields the user from the complexity of the
underlying data system retrieval and should be natural enough to be used without training. Currently there are
limited tools and information available online where end users can view and interrogate electoral data. The main
purpose of our paper is to report upon developments that seek to provide an easy to use interface for users to
obtain information regarding the results of general elections within the United Kingdom (UK).
Keywords: natural interface, natural language processing, database accessing, SQL-query, production rules
ACM Classification Keywords: I.2 Artificial intelligence: I.2.7 Natural Language Processing: Text analysis.
Elena Long, Vladimir Lovitskii, Michael Thrasher