Abstract: Mobile advertising is a rapidly growing sector providing brands and marketing agencies the opportunity to connect with consumers beyond traditional and digital media and instead communicate directly on their mobile phones. Mobile advertising will be intrinsically linked with mobile search, which has transported from the internet to the mobile and is identified as an area of potential growth. The result of mobile searching show that as a general rule such search result exceed 160 characters; the dialog is required to deliver the relevant portion of a response to the mobile user. In this paper we focus initially on mobile search and mobile advert creation, and later the mechanism of interaction between the user’s request, the result of searching, advertising and dialog.
Keywords: mobile text messages, mobile search, mobile advertising, question-answering system
ACM Classification Keywords: I.2 Artificial intelligence: I.2.7 Natural Language Processing: Text analysis.
Conference: The paper is selected from Second International Conference "Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems" INFOS 2009, Varna, Bulgaria, June-July? 2009
Vladimir Lovitskii, Colin McCaffery?, Michael Thrasher, David Traynor, Peter Wright