Abstract: Based on several results related to studies on emotions, we suggest that the process of emotionrecognition
is assisted by some internal structure of the cognitive images of emotions, which are at different levels
of knowledge representation. We concede that the main proposed in psychology models are in correspondence
with these levels and in this sense - complementary. We summarize the state-of-the-art of machine emotion
recognition with regards of the used psychological models of emotions. In order to discover amelioration sources
of multimodal machine emotion recognition, we propose a scheme of the cognitive process, based on gradual
levels of representation. The proposed scheme shows several "strategic" differences with the architectures used
in machine emotion recognition. We discuss the questions related to recognition, assisted by two levels of
representation that we called "perceptual" and "conceptual".
ACM Classification Keywords: I.2 Artificial Intelligence, 1.2.0.Cognitive simulation
Velina Slavova, Hichem Sahli, Werner Verhelst