Abstract: An antimatroid is an accessible set system (U,F) closed under union. Every antimatroid may be
represented as a graph whose vertices are sets of F, where two vertices are adjacent if the corresponding sets are
differ by one element. This graph is a partial cube. Hence an antimatroid with the ground set U of size n may be
isometrically embedded into the hypercube {0, 1}n. Thus the distance on an antimatroid considered as a graph
coincides with the Hamming distance. A poset antimatroid is an antimatroid, which is formed by the lower sets
of a poset. We consider different definitions of the distance between elements of an antimatroid, and give a new
characterization of poset antimatroids.
Keywords: antimatroid, partial cube, zigzag distance, Hamming distance.
ACM Classification Keywords: G.2
MSC: 05C12; 52B40
Yulia Kempner, Vadim E. Levit