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Category I.2.3 Deduction and Theorem Proving

Answer/reason extraction Deduction (e.g., natural, rule-based) Inference engines Logic programming Mathematical induction Metatheory Nonmonotonic reasoning and belief revision Resolution Uncertainty, ``fuzzy,'' and probabilistic reas
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Article A MAMDANI-TYPE FUZZY INFERENCE SYSTEM TO AUTOMATICALLY ASSESS ... Abstract: In education it is very important for both users and teachers to know how much the student has learned. To accomplish this task, GRAPHs (the eMathTeacher-compliant tool that will be used to  
Article COMPARING INERVAL ALTERNATIVES "AS WHOLE" Abstract: In this paper we address the following questions. Can we assume that choosing the best interval alternative by their pair-wise comparison, we thus choose the alternative that is preferable  
Article CONSTRUCTING AN OPTIMAL INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO BY USING FUZZY SETS THEORY Abstract: The problem of constructing an optimal portfolio of securities under uncertainty was considered. The global market crisis of recent years has shown that the existing theory of optimization 
Article CONSTRUCTING AN OPTIMAL INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO BY USING FUZZY SETS THEORY Abstract: The problem of constructing an optimal portfolio of securities under uncertainty was considered. The global market crisis of recent years has shown that the existing theory of optimization 
Article DECISION-MAKING IN GROUPS OF INTERVAL ALTERNATIVES Abstract: Problem of comparing alternatives with numerical quality indicators, which due to uncertainty have interval representations, is considered. It is demonstrated inevitability of presence in s 
Article DIRECT AND DUAL PROBLEM OF INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO OPTIMIZATION UNDER UNCERTAINTY Abstract: The problem of forming an optimal portfolio of securities under uncertainty was considered. The main objective of portfolio investment is to improve the investment environment, giving secur 
Article EVALUATING EXPECTED EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERVAL ALTERNATIVES Abstract: Earlier, in the framework of our previous papers, we introduced a criterion for comparing interval alternatives, which was called the assurance factor. It is based on the balance of chances 
Article Evaluating Expected Effectiveness of Interval Alternatives Abstract: Earlier, in the framework of our previous papers, we introduced a criterion for comparing interval alternatives, which was called the assurance factor. It is based on the balance of chances 
Article ON COMBINATION OF DEDUCTION AND ANALYTICAL TRANSFORMATIONS ... Abstract: We investigate a possible way for solving the problem of combination of logical inference search methods and symbolic computation tools in e-learning testing on the basis of the approaches 
Article ON THE COHERENCE BETWEEN PROBABILITY AND POSSIBILITY MEASURES1 Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to study possibility and probability measures in continuous universes, taking different line to the one proposed and dealt with by other authors. We study the c 
Article OPERATING MODEL OF KNOWLEDGE QUANTUM ENGINEERING ... Abstract: The operating model of knowledge quantum engineering for identification and prognostic decisionmaking in conditions of α-indeterminacy is suggested in the article. The synthesized operatin 
Article RISK BEHAVIOUR IN A SET OF INTERVAL ALTERNATIVES Abstract: Problem comparing alternatives under interval uncertainty is studied. It is assumed that the compared alternatives have indicators of quality in the form of interval estimates. It is shown  
Article THE DEVELOPMENT OF PARALLEL RESOLUTION ALGORITHMS USING THE GRAPH REPRESENTATION Abstract. The parallel resolution procedures based on graph structures method are presented. OR-, AND- and DCDP- parallel inference on connection graph representation is explored and modifications to 
Article THE INTELLIGENT DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR DIAGNOSTIC OF DIFFICULT DISEASES... Abstract: The work is devoted to methods and software tools of designing intelligent decision support systems (IDSS), which helps professionals (decision making persons) helping to diagnose complex p 
Article ИССЛЕДОВАНИЕ МНОГОКРИТЕРИАЛЬНОЙ ЗАДАЧИ ОП� Abstract: The problem of multicriteria fuzzy portfolio optimization is considered and investigated. This problem include two main criteria – portfolio profitableness and risk . A mathematical model  
Article КОМПЛЕКСНЫЙ АНАЛИЗ РИСКА БАНКРОТСТВА КОРПОРАЦИЙ В УСЛОВИЯХ НЕОПРЕДЕЛЕННОСТИ Abstract: Different methods of enterprise bankruptcy risk analysis are considered in the paper. Discriminant analysis method of E.Altman and fuzzy method of Nedosekin are described. The method of ban 
Article МЕТОД ПОИСКА РЕШЕНИЙ В ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНЫХ СИСТЕМАХ ПОДДЕРЖКИ ПРИНЯТИЯ РЕШЕНИЙ ... Аннотация: Рассматриваются методы поиска решений на основе прецедентов и аналогий в интеллектуальных систе 
Article МЕТОДЫ МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЯ ВРЕМЕННЫХ ЗАВИСИМОСТЕЙ В ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНЫХ СИСТЕМАХ С ... Аннотация: Работа посвящена методам моделирования временных зависимостей в интеллектуальных системах типа 
Article МОДЕЛИРОВАНИЕ ВРЕМЕННЫХ ЗАВИСИМОСТЕЙ В ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНЫХ СИСТЕМАХ ПОДДЕРЖКИ ... Аннотация: В работе рассматриваются вопросы, связанные с моделированием временных зависимостей в интеллект 
Article О ПРИМЕНИМОСТИ ОЦЕНКО МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОГО ОЖИД Аннотация: В практических задачах сравнения альтернатив с интервальными, из-за неопределенности, показател� 
Article ОЦЕНКА ИНТЕРВАЛЬНЫХ АЛЬТЕРНАТИВ:... Аннотация: Рассмотрена задача принятия решений в условиях неопределенности с одним интервальным показател� 
Article СУЖЕНИЕ МНОЖЕСТВА ПАРЕТО НА ОСНОВЕ НЕЧЁТКОЙ ИНФОРМАЦИИ Аннотация: Обсуждается аксиоматический подход к решению проблемы сужения множества Парето на основе нечётк 
Article ТЕМПОРАЛЬНЫЕ СЕТИ ПЕТРИ И ИХ ПРИМЕНЕНИЕ В ИНТЕЛЛЕКТУАЛЬНЫХ СИСТЕМАХ ПОДДЕРЖКИ... Аннотация: Работа посвящена методам моделирования сложных процессов в динамических системах на основе моди 

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