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Category B. Hardware

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Current category: Top  ::  ITHEA Classification Structure  ::  B. Hardware

Objects (47)

B.8.0 General Article A LOG TOOL FOR SOFTWARE SYSTEMS ANALYSES Abstract: The article presents a new type of logs merging tool for multiple blade telecommunication systems based on the development of a new approach. The introduction of the new logs merging tool ( 
B.4.1 Data Communications Devices Article ABOUT USAGE POSSIBILITY OF PRINCIPLES OF EXCITATIONS TRANSMISSION BY NERVE FIBER Annotation: Analysis of physiological properties of the nerve fibers, associated with their specialized function – excitation transmission, is done. Possibility in principle of the same principles' 
B.4.4 Performance Analysis and Design Aids Article AN ESTIMATION OF TIME REQUIRED FOR MODELING OF AN ALGORITHM CALCULATE... Abstract: The problem of calculating a non-conflict schedule by packets commutation in crossbar switch node is one of the foremost problems at the stage of node design. From a mathematical point of v 
B.7.0 General Article BOTTLENECK PROBLEM SOLUTION USING BIOLOGICAL ... Abstract: Every high resolution imaging system suffers from the bottleneck problem. This problem relates to the huge amount of data transmission from the sensor array to a digital signal processing ( 
B.4.4 Performance Analysis and Design Aids Article COMPUTER SIMULATION OF MIMA ALGORITHM FOR INPUT BUFFERED CROSSBAR SWITCH Abstract: The investigations for throughput of a new algorithm for computing of non-conflict schedule in crossbar switch node are presented in this paper. By means of Generalized nets (GN) a model of  
B.7.1 Types and Design Styles Article DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION, AND TESTING OF A MINIATURE SELF-STABILIZING CAPSULE ... Abstract: Video capsule endoscopy (VCE) enables examination of the small intestine. In large-lumen organs of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract (e.g. the stomach and the colon), the capsule tumbles aroun 
B.4.4 Performance Analysis and Design Aids Article Efficiency Interval Determination of a Calculation Procedure for Throughput Boun Abstract: The problem connected to computation of non-conflict schedule for crossbar switch node is NPcomplete from mathematical point of view. It is the reason for constantly suggested new algorithm 
B.6.1 Design Styles Article ESTIMATION OF PEAK SUSTAINABLE POWER CONSUMPTION FOR SEQUENTIAL CMOS CIRCUITS Abstract: The reliability and the cost of electronic circuits are closely connected to the maximum power dissipated by them. Tools for evaluating the worst case power consumption of sequential circu 
B.3 MEMORY STRUCTURES Article GENERALIZATION BY COMPUTATION THROUGH MEMORY Abstract: Usually, generalization is considered as a function of learning from a set of examples. In present work on the basis of recent neural network assembly memory model (NNAMM), a biologically p 
B.2.4 High-Speed ArithmeticArticle HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATION OF RANK CODEC Abstract: The authors present a hardware implementation of the codec for rank codes. Parameters of rank code are (8,4,5). Algorithmwas implemented on FPGA Spartan 3. Code rate is 1/2. The codec opera 
B.0 GENERAL Article HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATIONS OF VIDEO WATERMARKING Abstract: Various digital watermarking (WM) techniques for still imaging have been studied in the last several years. Recently, many new WM schemes have been proposed for other types of digital multi 
B.0 GENERAL Article HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATIONS OF VIDEO WATERMARKING Abstract: Digital watermarking (WM) is the process that embeds an additional, identifying message called a watermark into a host multimedia object, such as audio, image or video for authentication pur 
B.8.1 Reliability, Testing, and Fault-ToleranceArticle IMAGE SENSORS IN SECURITY AND MEDICAL APPLICATIONS ... Abstract: This paper briefly reviews CMOS image sensor technology and its utilization in security and medical applications. The role and future trends of image sensors in each of the applications are 
B.6 LOGIC DESIGN Article IMPLEMENTATION OF A HEURISTIC METHOD OF DECOMPOSITION ... Abstract: An original heuristic algorithm of sequential two-block decomposition of partial Boolean functions is researched. The key combinatorial task is considered: finding of suitable partition on  
B.3.1 Semiconductor MemoriesArticle LARGE VLSI ARRAYS – POWER AND ARCHITECTURAL PERSPECTIVES Abstract: A novel approach to power reduction in VLSI arrays is proposed. This approach includes recognition of the similarities in architectures and power profiles of different types of arrays, adap 
B.3.1 Semiconductor MemoriesArticle LARGE VLSI ARRAYS – POWER AND ARCHITECTURAL PERSPECTIVES Abstract: A novel approach to power reduction in VLSI arrays is proposed. This approach includes recognition of the similarities in architectures and power profiles of different types of arrays, adap 
B.7.0 General Article LOW-POWER TRACKING IMAGE SENSOR BASED ON BIOLOGICAL ... Abstract: This paper presents implementation of a low-power tracking CMOS image sensor based on biological models of attention. The presented imager allows tracking of up to N salient targets in the  
B.7.2 Design Aids Article MACROMODELING FOR VLSI PHYSICAL DESIGN AUTOMATION PROBLEMS Abstract: The paper summarizes the authors methodology for solving the intractable combinatorial problems in physical design of electronic devices: VLSI, SOC, PCB and other. The Optimal Circuit Reduc 
B.6.3 Design Aids Article MULTIPLE FOLDING OF VLSI REGULAR STRUCTURE VIA BOOLEAN SATISFIABILITY Abstract: The problem under consideration is to reduce the area of the layout of regular VLSI structures by means of their folding. A novel reformulation of the folding problem as the Boolean satisfi 
B.5.2 Design Aids Article ON THE DISCRETIZATION OF DISTANCE GEOMETRY PROBLEMS Abstract: Distance geometry consists of finding an embedding of a weighted undirected graph in Rn. Since some years, we are working on suitable discretizations for this problem. Because of the discre 

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