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Article BI – SUPPORTING THE PROCESSES OF THE ORGANIZATION'S KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT Abstract. The main goal of BI systems is to provide the access for the users to crucial information connected with the tools they use every day. It allows to take more relevant decisions, share knowle 
Article BUSINESS DISCOVERY – A NEW DIMENSION OF BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE Abstract. This article deals with the issue of Business Intelligence (BI), especially its next generation - Business Discovery(BD). This tool can help to fill the gap between traditional solutions we 
Article INFORMATION MODELS OF CUSTOMERS IN CRM AND E-CRM SYSTEMS Abstract: The following article deals with customer personality in the CRM systems. Its innovatory approach consists in the method of segmentation performed according to one of psychological factors  
Article OVERALL QOS REFERENCING IN TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS – SOME CURRENT CONCEPTS . Abstract: The main current concepts in overall Quality of Service (QoS) considerations in telecommunication systems, in documents of the leading standardization organizations, are found and put togeth 

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