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Category H.1.2 User/Machine Systems

Human factors Human information processing Software psychology
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Article ABOUT USAGE POSSIBILITY OF PRINCIPLES OF EXCITATIONS TRANSMISSION BY NERVE FIBER Annotation: Analysis of physiological properties of the nerve fibers, associated with their specialized function – excitation transmission, is done. Possibility in principle of the same principles' 
Article COMPARING INERVAL ALTERNATIVES "AS WHOLE" Abstract: In this paper we address the following questions. Can we assume that choosing the best interval alternative by their pair-wise comparison, we thus choose the alternative that is preferable  
Article DECISION-MAKING IN GROUPS OF INTERVAL ALTERNATIVES Abstract: Problem of comparing alternatives with numerical quality indicators, which due to uncertainty have interval representations, is considered. It is demonstrated inevitability of presence in s 
Article EVALUATING EXPECTED EFFECTIVENESS OF INTERVAL ALTERNATIVES Abstract: Earlier, in the framework of our previous papers, we introduced a criterion for comparing interval alternatives, which was called the assurance factor. It is based on the balance of chances 
Article Evaluating Expected Effectiveness of Interval Alternatives Abstract: Earlier, in the framework of our previous papers, we introduced a criterion for comparing interval alternatives, which was called the assurance factor. It is based on the balance of chances 
Article OVERALL QOS REFERENCING IN TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS – SOME CURRENT CONCEPTS . Abstract: The main current concepts in overall Quality of Service (QoS) considerations in telecommunication systems, in documents of the leading standardization organizations, are found and put togeth 
Article RISK BEHAVIOUR IN A SET OF INTERVAL ALTERNATIVES Abstract: Problem comparing alternatives under interval uncertainty is studied. It is assumed that the compared alternatives have indicators of quality in the form of interval estimates. It is shown  
Article SEMANTIC NET FROM CONCEPTS AS A MODEL OF STUDENT’S KNOWLEDGE: HOW STABLE ARE ... Abstract: Original method to study students’ conceptual knowledge was reported at previous ITHEA conferences. According to this method, to show their educational achievements students had to pass t 
Article USER-CENTRIC AND CONTEXT-AWARE ABC&S Abstract: The evolving Always Best Connected and best Served (ABC&S) communication paradigm is addressed in this paper. The goal is to propose aspects of a novel vision together with the consequenti 
Article О ПРИМЕНИМОСТИ ОЦЕНКО МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКОГО ОЖИД Аннотация: В практических задачах сравнения альтернатив с интервальными, из-за неопределенности, показател� 
Article ОЦЕНКА ИНТЕРВАЛЬНЫХ АЛЬТЕРНАТИВ:... Аннотация: Рассмотрена задача принятия решений в условиях неопределенности с одним интервальным показател� 

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