Abstract: An approach for organizing the information in the data warehouses is presented in the paper. The
possibilities of the numbered information spaces for building data warehouses are discussed.
Abstract: When a natural language is introduced in a computer we have several problems to automate it, this is
because it is difficult to make a computer relate concepts in a rich and always changing
Abstract: A novel approach to power reduction in VLSI arrays is proposed. This approach includes recognition of
the similarities in architectures and power profiles of different types of arrays, adap
Abstract: The walk distances in graphs are defined as the result of appropriate transformations of the
proximity measures, where A is the weighted adjacency matrix of a graph and t is a
Abstract: This article presents main differences between Map/Reduce (MRP) and Collect/Report
(CRP) paradigms. The most important difference is that in MRP the calculations and data must be all
Abstract: Idempotent operators are one of the possible criterions for simplification trees. These operators act
over internal nodes of trees. Moreover, they transform structural equivalent sub-trees
Abstract: Transformation of data structures into natural numbers using the classical approach of gödelization process can be a very powerful tool in order to encode some properties of data structures
Abstract: In this paper a solution is propose to organize the space of words that exist in a specific language in
their different semantic categories. By taking a natural language, we're going to de