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G.2.1 Combinatorics Article A NEW ALGORITM FOR THE LONGEST COMMON SUBSEQUENCE PROBLEM Abstract: This paper discusses the problem of determining the longest common subsequence (LCS) of two sequences. Here we view this problem in the background of the well known algorithm for the longes 
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article CHAIN SPLIT OF PARTIALLY ORDERED SET OF K-SUBSETS Abstract: An application oriented class of partially ordered sets is considered. Let P(n,k) denotes the set of all k -tuples with strictly increasing elements from the set N  {1,2,,n} and 1  
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article CHOICE OF DIAGNOSTIC DECISION MAKING IN MEDICINE AND INTERVENTION MISTAKE ... Abstract: Most processes, found in medicine, are nonlinear, chaotic, have a high level of complexity. The decisions in health care are often stereotyped, managed by habits preferences, previous exper 
G.2.2 Graph Theory Article CONVEXITY RELATED ISSUES FOR THE SET OF HYPERGRAPHIC SEQUENCES Abstract: We consider ܦ ,(݊)௠the set of all degree sequences of simple hypergraphs with ݊ vertices and ݉ hyperedges. We show that ܦ ,(݊)௠which is a subset of the ݊-dimensional ݉+1-valued  
G.2.2 Graph Theory Article Criteria investigations in ant colony optimization algorithm for travelling ... Abstract: New ant colony optimization algorithm has been investigated. Optimal search tactic and ant decision making criterion have been found. Keywords: Ant colony optimization algorithm, travell 
G.2.2 Graph Theory Article CRITERIA INVESTIGATIONS IN ANT COLONY OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM FOR TRAVELLING SALE Abstract: New ant colony optimization algorithm has been investigated. Optimal search tactic and ant decision making criterion have been found. Keywords: Ant colony optimization algorithm, travell 
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article CROSS INTERSECTION SEQUEL OF DISCRETE ISOPERIMETRY1 Abstract: This work inspired by a specifically constrained communication model. Given collections of communicating objects, and communication is by means of several relay centres. The complete cross  
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article DECOMPOSITION METHODS FOR LARGE-SCALE TSP Abstract: Decomposition methods for solving large-scale Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) are presented. Three approaches are proposed: macromodeling for clustered TSP as well as extending and “rin 
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article DECOMPOSITION OF BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS – RECOGNIZING A GOOD SOLUTION BY TRACES Abstract: The problem of sequent two-block decomposition of a Boolean function is regarded in case when a good solution does exist. The problem consists mainly in finding an appropriate weak partitio 
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article DESCRIPTION REDUCTION FOR RESTRICTED SETS OF (0,1) MATRICES 1 Abstract: Any set system can be represented as an n -cube vertices set. Restricted sets of n -cube weighted subsets are considered. The problem considered is in simple description of all set of parti 
G.2 DISCRETE MATHEMATICS Article DISTANCES ON ANTIMATROIDS Abstract: An antimatroid is an accessible set system (U,F) closed under union. Every antimatroid may be represented as a graph whose vertices are sets of F, where two vertices are adjacent if the cor 
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article FUZZY SETS AS A MEAN FOR UNCERTAINTY HANDLING: MATH, APPLIED MATH, HEURISTICS Abstract: Number of Disciplines and Theories changed their status from status of Natural Science discipline to Mathematics. The Theory of Probability is the classical example of that kind. The main pr 
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article FUZZY SETS: MATH, APPLIED MATH, HEURISTICS? PROBLEMS AND INTERPRETATIONS Abstract: Number of Disciplines and Theories changed their status from status of Natural Science discipline to Mathematics. The Theory of Probability is the classical example of that kind. The main p 
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article GENERATING MORE BOUNDARY ELEMENTS OF SUBSET PROJECTIONS Abstract: Composition problem is considered for partition constrained vertex subsets of n dimensional unit cube En . Generating numerical characteristics of En subsets partitions is considered by mea 
G.2.2 Graph Theory Article INFORMATION FLOWS ENHANCEMENT FOR AIS TOURISM AUTOMATED INFORMATION SYSTEM Abstract: This article put emphasis on the issue of information system efficiency in tourism, as a tool of defining the level of domestic and inbound tourism growth. The necessity of information syst 
G.2.2 Graph Theory Article INTERFERENCE MINIMIZATION IN PHYSICAL MODEL OF WIRELESS NETWORKS Abstract: Interference minimization problem in wireless sensor and ad-hoc networks is considered. That is to assign a transmission power to each node of a network such that the network is connected a 
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article LAGRANGEAN APPROXIMATION FOR COMBINATORIAL INVERSE PROBLEMS Abstract: Various combinatorial problems are effectively modelled in terms of (0,1) matrices. Origins are coming from n-cube geometry, hypergraph theory, inverse tomography problems, or directly from 
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article LOGARITHMIC DISTANCES IN GRAPHS Abstract: The walk distances in graphs are defined as the result of appropriate transformations of the P1 k=0(tA)k proximity measures, where A is the weighted adjacency matrix of a graph and t is a 
G.2.m Miscellaneous Article MATRIX “FEATURE VECTORS” IN GROUPING INFORMATION PROBLEM: LINEAR ... Abstract: The problem of classification, clusterization or patterns recognition is one the manifestation of grouping information problem (GIP) in applied researching. It involves, beside mentioned abo 
G.2.2 Graph Theory Article MODIFIED BRANCH AND BOUND ALGORITHM FOR SOLVING THE HAMILTONIAN RURAL ... Abstract: In this paper the Hamiltonian Rural Postman Problem is generalization of the Hamiltonian Travelling Salesman Problem is described. The offered modification of a classical method (Little’s 
G.2.1 Combinatorics Article MULTICRITERION PROBLEMS ON THE COMBINATORIAL SET OF POLYARRANGEMENTS Abstract: The multicriterion problem of discrete optimization on the feasible combinatorial set of polyarrangements is examined. Structural properties of feasible region and different types of effici 

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