Abstract: We offer a definition for that elusive term, “order”. Order so much directs our perception, cognition and intellect that we should take a look at the infrastructure of how the human mind builds up its view of the world. Order is shown to be a combined statement about properties of things and how they are placed. The
interdependence between “where” and “what” has been split for processing by the brain due to evolutionary
pressure. Similarity is neurologically preferred above the properties of dissimilarities and is used as an
intercultural tool of communication. We present a model that combines place and property attributes and
integrates the dissimilarity properties of the present state of the world to the alternatives. We re-introduce the
differences that we were instructed to ignore while we have learnt basic dexterity with numbers. We influence,
and encourage dissolving, a deep-seated posthypnotic suggestion of culture: “The foreground, the similarities are important.”
Keywords: artificial intelligence, theoretical physics, indexed, multi-valued logical statements; stepwise additivity of {.t.|.f.}; accounting concepts in arithmetic procedures; concurrent usage of logical operators; consolidation among contradicting sentences, Minkowski space model.
Karl Javorszky