Abstract: Work’s scientific value consists in that it contain the original tasks which continue to the formalism’s concept for the developers (the value of manufactured products depends entirely on its form, that is, from the method of production, observable aspects and the environment in which it is placed), for the solution of the problem of reconciling the formalism’s concept with the proposed structure of the formation of the emotional and aesthetic model of intelligence of the client, his objectives and capabilities of the developer, designer of the multimedia products.
The meaning of formalization as the basis of the language for description multimedia product (composite shape of the multimedia products elements) can be viewed through the prism of the results of the analysis utilitarian, aesthetic demands, ethno-cultural specifics and preferences of certain groups of consumers, taking into account the situation, environment of use and perception of the object, as well as the analysis of the function of the object as a means of substantive provision of appropriate requirements.
Keywords: интеллект клиента, визуальная архитектура, когнитивные карты, принятие решений,
ACM Classification Keywords: H.5 Information Systems - Natural language, Screen design (e.g., text,graphics, color), Theory and methods, User-centered design.
Михаил Буртной, Александр Куземин