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Category F.4.1 Mathematical Logic

Computability theory Computational logic Lambda calculus and related systems Logic and constraint programming Mechanical theorem proving Modal logic Model theory Proof theory Recursive function theory Set theory Temporal logic
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Article A GEOMETRICAL INTERPRETATION TO DEFINE CONTRADICTION Abstract: For inference purposes in both classical and fuzzy logic, neither the information itself should be contradictory, nor should any of the items of available information contradict each other. 
Article ACCOUNTING IN THEORETICAL GENETICS Abstract: We present a logical tool which allows understanding the rationality of the translation underlying some interactions in Nature. In an abstract, formal way, we can demonstrate the epistemol 
Article ALGORITHMIZATION PROCESS FOR FRACTAL ANALYSIS IN THE CHAOTIC DYNAMICS OF ... Abstract: This work deals in the usage of fractal analysis to determine the trend of dynamic characteristics of chaotic series based on R/S-analysis. We propose an algorithm using the method of dyna 
Article COMPARISON OF PROOF SIZES IN FREGE SYSTEMS AND SUBSTITUTION FREGE SYSTEMS Abstract: It is known that the minimal number of the steps in a proof of a tautology in a Frege system can be exponentially larger than in a substitution Frege system, but it is an open problem wheth 
Article CONTRADICTION VERSUS SELFCONTRADICTION IN FUZZY LOGIC* Abstract: Trillas et al. introduced in [7] and [8] the concepts of both self-contradictory fuzzy set and contradiction between two fuzzy sets. Later, in [1] and [2] the necessity of determine not o 
Article ON PROBLEM OF ADEQUACY OF MULTISET MATHEMATICAL MODELS Abstract: The analysis of adequacy of competitiveness assessments based only on the values of multiplicity function of multiset is made. Such assessments are not adequate according to representation 
Article PROOF COMPLEXITIES OF SOME PROPOSITIONAL FORMULAE CLASSES IN DIFFERENT ... Abstract: In this paper the proof complexities of some classes of quasi-hard determinable (Tsgfn ) and hard determinable ( n ) formulas are investigated in some refutation propositional systems. I 
Article PROOF COMPLEXITIES OF SOME PROPOSITIONAL FORMULAE CLASSES IN DIFFERENT ... Abstract: In this paper the proof complexities of some classes of quasi-hard determinable (Tsgf n ) and hard determinable (ψ n ) formulas are investigated in some refutation propositional systems. I 
Article UNIVERSAL AND DETERMINED CONSTRUCTORS OF MULTISETS OF OBJECTS Abstract: This paper contains analysis of creation of sets and multisets as an approach for modeling of some aspects of human thinking. The creation of sets is considered within constructive object-o 
Article МОДАЛЬНЫЕ ЛОГИКИ ЧАСТИЧНЫХ ПРЕДИКАТОВ И СЕ� Аннотация: Исследованы программно-ориентированные логические формализмы – транзиционные композиционно-но 
Article СЕМАНТИЧЕСКИЕ СВОЙСТВА И СЕКВЕНЦИАЛЬНЫЕ ИС Аннотация: Исследованы чистые первопорядковые композиционно-номинативные логики частичных однозначных пр� 

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