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Category H.1.1 Systems and Information Theory

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Article ARES SYSTEM - INTEGRATION OF ANALYSIS METHODOLOGIES Abstract: ARES System is an application dedicated to data analysis, data exploration and knowledge discovery. This versatile tool offers rough set based methodology as well as emerging patterns and S 
Article ARES SYSTEM - INTEGRATION OF ANALYSIS METHODOLOGIES Abstract: ARES System is an application dedicated to data analysis, data exploration and knowledge discovery. This versatile tool offers rough set based methodology as well as emerging patterns and S 
Article Building Peculiarities of the Modern Wireless Corporate Network Abstract: Under consideration is the building of the modern wireless corporate network that implements the concept of using their own devices. Represented the requirements for the modern wireless net 
Article COMPLEX ADAPTIVE ON-LINE LEARNING SYSTEM “THEORY OF AUTOMATIC CONTROL" Abstract. The controlled from distance teaching (DT) in the system of technical education has a row of features: complication of informative content, necessity of development of simulation models and 
Article CONSTRUCTION OF A REALISTIC MOVEMENT ON THE 3D HUMAN MODEL FOR STUDYING AND ... Abstract: Complex information technology for communications gesture and mimicry modeling and visualization is created. Keywords: modeling, sign language, computer system, visual-speech synthesis a 
Article ENVIRONMENTAL RISK ASSESSMENT USING GEOSPATIAL DATA AND INTELLIGENT METHODS Abstract: In this paper, we describe intelligent methods and technologies for environmental risks assessment using geospatial data. The risk assessment process is based on fusion of data acquired from 
Article FORMAL THEORY OF SEMANTIC AND PRAGMATIC INFORMATION - A TECHNOCRATIC APPROACH Abstract: The actual development of our civilization on Earth in the last century has seen an explosive growth of meaningful production, manipulation and use of information. Unfortunately, we still r 
Article FROM PHILOSOPHY TO THEORY OF INFORMATION Abstract: This is an attempt to develop a systematic formal theory of information based on philosophical foundations adequate for the broad context of pre-systematic concept of information. The existi 
Article FUNCTIONAL APPROACH TO EMERGENCY RISK MINIMIZATION Abstract: An alternate approach to emergency risk minimization, based on lazy calculations and high-level functional interpretation is presented in this article. This approach is compared with classi 
Article FUNCTIONAL APPROACH TO EMERGENCY RISK MINIMIZATION Abstract: An alternate approach to emergency risk minimization, based on lazy calculations and high-level functional interpretation is presented in this article. This approach is compared with classi 
Article GOD-ICS. ON FUNDAMENTAL INFORMATION FIELD QUEST Abstract: Further progress in AI research requires more complete and comprehensive study of information interactions in nature, not confined to psyche and intellect of individuals. One should not igno 
Article Hierarchy of Emergent Properties of Alternatives in Systems Analysis Abstract: It is shown, that under vector approach a decision-making problem by means of decomposition of alternative’s emergent properties can be presented by a hierarchical system of criteria. At 
Article INFORMATION SYSTEM OF FORECASTING BASED ON COMBINED MODELS WITH TIME SERIES ... Abstract: The article offers information system of time series forecasting based on the combined models of hybrid and selective types for various criteria of selection with the previous time series c 
Article INFORMATIONAL-PARAMETRIC MODEL OF SIGN LANGUAGE FINGERSPELLING UNITS Résumé: An approach for researching fingers' movement with an aim to create a formal notion of sign language fingerspelling units (dactyls) is considered. Then an informational parametric model of a 
Article MEMBRANES DISTRIBUTION USING GENETIC ALGORITHMS Abstract: Membrane computing is an area of natural computing, which solves NP-complete problems simulating permeability of live cells membranes. Different researchers have developed architectures to  
Article MODELLING AND CONTROL OF COMPUTATIONAL PROCESSES USING MAX-PLUS ALGEBRA Abstract: In this paper we propose a modelling technique for the control of computational processes. The Petri Net model, particularly a Timed Event Graph (TEG) can be used for analyzing. The propose 
Article MULTICRITERION CHOICE PROBLEM FOR ENTERPRISES TO CREDITING Abstract: Observing an approach for multicriterion choice problem by means fuzzy sets. The brought model over determination problem of borrower for crediting banks. Keywords: multicriterion choi 
Article PROBABILISTIC ESTIMATION OF TRUST MODEL AND THREAT RESISTANCE ANALYSIS IN ... Abstract: Trust and reputation models play an important role in enabling trusted computations over large-scale distributed Grids. Many models have been recently proposed and implemented within trust  
Article SHORT GRAPH-SCHEME OF A SUCCESSFUL SYSTEM IDEA Abstract: Notions of a successful system and an ecologically acceptable successful system are proposed. These notions are convenient for formalization of a received inventive problem solution idea by 
Article THE USE OF TIME-SERIES OF SATELLITE DATA TO FLOOD RISK MAPPING Abstract: In this paper we propose a novel approach for flood hazard mapping by processing and analyzing a time-series of satellite data and derived flood extent maps. This approach is advantageous i 
Article ВЛИЯНИЕ ИНФОРМАЦИОННОЙ УСТОЙЧИВОСТИ НА ИН� Abstract: В статье вводится понятие информационной устойчивости (инфоустойчивости) фирмы. Предлагается использ� 
Article ИНСТРУМЕНТАЛЬНЫЙ СЕРВИС ДЛЯ СОЗДАНИЯ ВИРТУ Абстракт: В работе описываются технологии реализации программного инструментального комплекса для разрабо� 
Article КОГНИТИВНАЯ СЕМИОТИКА В ПРОЦЕССАХ ... Abstract: Анализируется понятие когнитивной семиотики. Определяется структура этого понятия. Рассматриваются о� 
Article КОМПРОМИСС И КОНСЕНСУС В ТЕОРИИ ПРИНЯТИЯ РЕ Аннотация: Рассматриваются два основных подхода к решению многокритериальных задач принятия решений и вект 
Article КОМПРОМИССНОЕ РЕШЕНИЕ ЗАДАЧ УСЛОВНОЙ ОПТИМИЗАЦИИ Аннотация: Рассмотрена возможность получения компромиссного решения в задачах условной оптимизации. Пробл 

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